How Plan 3 Works In Washington – TRS 3 & PERS 3 Simplified!

Washington DRS Plan 3 – How it Works: TRS / PERS / SERS

If you’re a part of the Teachers Retirement System (TRS), the Public Employees Retirement System (PERS), or the School District Retirement System (SERS) in the state of Washington, you’re in for a treat. In this comprehensive blog post, we’ll delve into the intricate details of Washington DRS Plan 3. Whether you’re curious about defined benefit plans or eager to explore defined contribution sides, we’ve got you covered. So, grab your cup of coffee, settle in, and let’s navigate the labyrinth of pension plans together.

Unveiling the Defined Benefit Side of Plan 3

Plan 3 unfolds as a two-part structure, and our first stop is the defined benefit side. Picture this side as a financial safety net lovingly provided by the state of Washington or your employer. The mechanism is simple yet impactful: for every year you invest your time in Washington, you’re rewarded with 1% towards your pension. It’s a way to acknowledge your dedication, whether you’re working full-time or part-time.

Wait, what if you’re a part-time superhero? No worries, your years earned will be prorated, ensuring fairness in accumulation. So, even if it takes a bit longer, every ounce of effort is acknowledged. The beauty of Plan 3 is that there’s no cap on the years you can contribute. Work 35 years? You’ll reap the benefits of all those years, a full 35%. Only clocked in for 20 years? You’ll still get a commendable 20%.

But what’s the magic number for calculating your pension? It’s the average of your top five consecutive years of income. This five-year snapshot includes not just your base salary but also those extra dollars earned from coaching or special assignments. The idea is to give credit where credit’s due, even if the extra income isn’t a core part of your job.

Understanding the Benefit Formula

Service Credits x 1% x Average of Top 5 Consecutive Years of Income

The pension benefit calculation has a name: the full benefit formula or option one. If you’re flying solo when you collect, this is your go-to option. However, if your retirement journey involves a partner, you might want to consider the survivorship option. This choice ensures that even if you’re not around, your significant other continues to receive a portion of your pension. A noble decision, but remember, this might lead to a slightly reduced paycheck.

So, when’s the grand age for pension collection? If you’ve accrued 30 years of service, the golden age is 62. But even if you’re a bit shy of 30 years, don’t worry; you can still collect at 65. If you’re itching to collect before these ages, you certainly can. But be cautious, especially if you’re below the 30-year mark. Collecting early might come with a penalty that’s more significant than you’d like. However, some folks find it’s a sensible move, especially when they’re ready to enjoy life beyond the 9-to-5 grind.

For those that started employment after May 1st of 2023 your full retirement age is 65 regardless of how many years you work. That means even if you have 30 years of service there is still a penalty for collecting at age 62.

Navigating the Plan 3 Bucket

Now, let’s explore the other half of Plan 3 – the defined contribution side, or as we like to call it your Plan 3 bucket. This is where your personal financial aspirations come into play. Your monthly contributions, ranging from 5% to 15%, determine the future value of this side of the plan. If you never adjusted your contribution rate, you’re in at a modest 5%. Oh, and a heads up – you can’t modify your contribution rate until you switch employers, so choose wisely.

Think of this contribution as your financial garden. It grows based on market performance, thriving in times of prosperity and facing challenges when the markets aren’t in their prime. This arrangement closely resembles a 401(k) in nature.

The Unique Traits of Defined Contribution

Plan 3’s defined contribution side offers unique attributes. First off, all of your money in Plan 3 is off-limits until you exit employment. So, even if you’re in your 60s, you can’t tap into this fund until you bid your job farewell. 

The contributions are also pre-tax, and here’s the silver lining – they grant you a tax deduction. If you’re a numbers person, it’s like paying taxes on a smaller income, thanks to your contributions. For example, if you earned $50,000 and put $5,000 into Plan 3, you’d only be taxed on $45,000. To be clear this doesn’t mean you are lowering your taxes by $5,000. You are only lowering your taxes by a portion of what you saved.  If you are in the 25% tax bracket then your tax “savings” would be about $1,250 ($5,000 contribution x 25%) 

That sounds great at first but keep in mind you will have to pay taxes on your contributions plus any growth when you withdraw. So if that $5,000 contribution doubles and goes to $10,000 and you withdraw it all you owe taxes on the entire amount. Even if your taxes were to drop to 15% you would be hit with a $1,500 tax bill, which is $250 more than if you just paid the taxes in the beginning. 

Choosing Your Investment Path

Your investment destiny depends on when you entered the Plan 3 realm. If your journey began before July 22, 2011, welcome to the world of WSIB (Washington State Investment Board) or the tap fund. WSIB dives into equities and private investments, playing the market with gusto. If your Plan 3 membership began later, you’re on a target date fund. It’s like a virtual GPS, gently steering your investments towards less risky investments as you get older.

But here’s the kicker: you can switch gears. If the default fund isn’t your cup of tea, consider diving into the realm of self-directed investments. You are given the freedom to choose from over 7 other funds plus a dozen target date funds. It isn’t much but it’s what the state gives us to work with. 

The DRS employees aren’t licensed financial advisors so they can’t help you select investments or go into much detail. The same goes with your school district, they don’t have anyone on staff that is allowed to give financial advice. They might have you contact a certain advisor or firm to help you with this but please remember that these advisors are not employed or endorsed by any school district.  Even if they are WEA or NEA-sponsored, they are ultimately there to sell you their 403b product and services, that’s the only way they get paid. 

If you want to avoid the sales pitches and get ongoing investment advice on your TRS 3 or PERS 3 plan that is tailored to your risk level check out this DIY investment service specifically designed for Plan 3 members in Washington state. You select your risk level and the system tells you exactly what to invest in and when to make changes. Your only job is the place the trades through your online account and you are done in less than 10 minutes. 

Weighing the Pros and Cons Of Plan 3

While Plan 3 presents exciting opportunities, it’s not without its quirks. The defined contribution side, while flexible, lacks the guaranteed two percent of Plan 2. This means the responsibility of growing your retirement nest egg rests partially on your shoulders.

And speaking of contributions, the locked-in rate might feel restrictive in the future. Life has a way of surprising us, and what’s feasible at one stage might not be as comfortable later on. Lastly, while the allure of pre-tax contributions is undeniable, the devil’s in the details. Check out this video to learn about the potential tax bomb coming your way!


Plan 3 is a 2 part pension plan. One side pays you a pension for the rest of your life, the other is a savings account that you fund every month.

The pension amount is based on this formula: Service credits x 1% x Avg Top 5 Consecutive Years Salary. 

Collecting your pension before the full retirement age will cause a permanent reduction in your benefits. 

Your contribution can’t be changed unless you change employers

You can’t touch any of the money until you separate the service. 

You are 100% responsible for the investment management. No licensed advisors are employed by the state or your employer.

Your Financial Future Awaits

As we wrap up this journey through the labyrinth of Washington DRS Plan 3, remember that your financial choices today lay the foundation for your future. Whether you’re embracing the defined benefit side’s reliability or charting your course through the ebbs and flows of the defined contribution side, one thing’s clear: your financial future is in your hands.

Always remember, that knowledge is power. If you hunger for further insight into the intricacies of pension plans, tax implications, or retiring early you can schedule a meeting with us here

Remember, your future depends on the decisions you make today. So, carve your path wisely and embark on a journey towards financial empowerment.

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